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Our vines supply enough wine both for us and our guests. The white wine is from Trebbiano, Malvasia Bianca and Vermentino grapes, and the red from Sangiovese, Malvasia nera and Canaiola. For those who want to drink it here, it’s on sale at a good price. It’s also available properly bottled if you want to take some home.

Olive trees are scattered across our 9 hectares of land, the oldest on the scant lands of the terraces. The harvest of the new trees that we planted is a lot less tiring! Our oil is excellent, with a very low acidity. The olive is, unfortunately, a very particular animal. There are years when the trees are laden, and others in which there is scarcely any fruit. When the year is good, we sell the oil in bottles and cans. It is most definitely organic, and ‘extra-virgin’ quality. You can’t substitute anything for oil tasted on ‘bruschetta’ or with a salad.

When the chickens lay eggs a-plenty we are very happy to share them with our guests.

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